Saturday, January 2, 2021

Voting for Multipurpose Space Information

Happy New Year.


Soon we will be voting on a multipurpose building for Napatak. This will be coordinated by Northern Municipal Services. The government requires that we request a ballot, NMS is therefore going to be sending notices for us to return requesting that we be sent the actual ballot.


We will post the history of how we got to this point shortly. It has already been made public in Facebook, at the AGM, and posted at the sign.


This is a very important decision for Napatak so please be sure that:
#1 NMS has your correct mailing address
#2 Pick up your mail promptly 
#3 Indicated that you DO wish to receive a ballot
#4 Return the notice prior to the deadline stipulated 


The actual vote will determine if we move forward or not and determine the scope of the project. More information on this will follow.


Laura Johnston 
President Napatak Community Association