Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Napatak Community Association's President's Conversation with Steve Wilke about Lambert's Plan for Peat Moss Harvesting

I spoke with Steve Wilke last week in regards to the Lambert project. He is the Senior Environmental Assessment Administrator. He told me that Lambert had not submitted their assessment yet and he isn’t expecting it for a little while. He also thought that Lambert would be holding more information sessions for the public. Once Environment receives and reviews Lambert’s submission, and once approved, it gets published and opens for public review and scrutiny. 

Steve stressed that there is still lots of time to express your thoughts and opinions to himself,  Lambert, the consultants, and your government representatives and band councils.

The Executive unanimously do not agree with Lambert’s proposal and have sent our remarks  to several parties that we feel may help halt the project. 

Please - regardless of you views - send your comments in to the people that will make the discussions.

Laura Johnston


Napatak Community Association