Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Ballot Registration

Northern Municiple Services, Sandra Galambos, has asked the Napatak Community Advisory Board to remind community members to be sure to email or make sure the post marked date is March 3 on their signed registration form to receive a ballot. The deadline to register to receive a ballot is March 3rd. These registration forms were sent to all tax payers mailing addresses on file with NMS.  There have been a couple of returned ballot registration notices that were sent out earlier. If you did not receive a ballot registration letter please contact NMS to make sure your current mailing address is up to date with their office. Please pass this information on to anyone that you may be talking to.



Sunday, January 3, 2021

Emergency Preparedness Historical Information

"Historical information about how the residents of Napatak decided to vote on whether or not to move forward with the development of a Multipurpose, Emergency Preparedness, FireSmart, Community Centre.  Thank you for informing yourself regarding the facts about the upcoming vote.  Specific information regarding the building options will be posted shortly."

Pam Sanderson


History - Decision Time - Emergency Preparedness

The community has been discussing proposals for fire prevention and mitigation for many years. Our first priority was to get an Emergency Preparedness plan completed as per Northern Municipal Services requirements. We then moved to fire prevention planning including forest thinning, fireguard development, and becoming a FireSmart community. Recent decisions voted on at AGMs include:

- 2016 Motion: Find a combination of new and used equipment for a total of $64,000 to $70,000 to make a pump and sprinkler line system along the community side of the fireguard on both A and B side.

- 2017 Motion: Pursue, purchase, and installation of dry hydrants. Get best price and proceed.

The above options were met with objections from both inside the community and the government partners we needed on board to move forward.

- 2018 Motion: Northern Municipal Services is going to arrange a meeting with the La Ronge Fire Department and Sask. Government Fire Management/Fire Cache and Napatak Executive to determine the best investment our community can make for emergency preparedness and fire suppression. The outcome of this meeting was shared at the 2019 AGM.

- 2019 Motion: that current fire plan presented today that was developed by all parties be adopted, and then once details are better known, Executive and NMS will bring those forward to the community.

A group of fifteen community members stepped forward to research the options for an Emergency Preparedness, FireSmart Community Centre

Link for PDF of above information:


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Voting for Multipurpose Space Information

Happy New Year.


Soon we will be voting on a multipurpose building for Napatak. This will be coordinated by Northern Municipal Services. The government requires that we request a ballot, NMS is therefore going to be sending notices for us to return requesting that we be sent the actual ballot.


We will post the history of how we got to this point shortly. It has already been made public in Facebook, at the AGM, and posted at the sign.


This is a very important decision for Napatak so please be sure that:
#1 NMS has your correct mailing address
#2 Pick up your mail promptly 
#3 Indicated that you DO wish to receive a ballot
#4 Return the notice prior to the deadline stipulated 


The actual vote will determine if we move forward or not and determine the scope of the project. More information on this will follow.


Laura Johnston 
President Napatak Community Association